Thursday, May 15, 2008

Emo is Not the Answer

So apparently a 13-year-old girl in England killed herself and now her parents are blaming My Chemical Romance and "emo" music. This highly enlightened article from the Daily Mail has all the details.

As always, AbsolutePunk has a thread discussing it. Most posts are exactly what I thought as I read the article.

My take: Parents are lazy. They need to stop blaming pop culture for their lack of parenting. The girl was an adolescent, easily the shittiest time in any person's life. She told her parents she was going to kill herself and they basically laughed her off. Way to go, assclowns. She made this threat after being told she couldn't stay at her friend's house. Not surprised by her response, she was 13! And blaming My Chem, Blink 182(!) and Good Charlotte, c'mon, let's get real. Stop being a peripheral parent and pay attention to your kids.

One last thing, stop making emo out to be goth. I'm so over this labelization of music and pop culture as well as morons beau regarding shit and making it out to be that which it is not. I think we all need to take a step back and reevaluate.

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