Sunday, May 11, 2008

Forever the Sickest Kids

In my AP Tour Part Two post I mentioned the opening band, Forever the Sickest Kids. The other night I went to Target to get food while at work and just happened back to the music section and what did I find? FTSK's little cd, Underdog Alma Mater, for only $10. Needless to say I immediately picked it up and listening to it as soon as I got back to work.

Most of the tracks are definitely songs to dance around in your panties to (like my friends and I have been to known to do) or throw in the car stereo, turn up loud, put-your-sunglsses-on-and-be-happy-it's-summer.

Anyway, so yeah go buy that cd, because it's well worth the cash, and try to catch them at Warped Tour this year because they are high-energy live.

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