Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MTV is stealing my backpocket bands

Apparently MTV thinks Bayside is Buzzworthy. The video for Carry On was featured on TRL a couple weeks ago and has been getting spins on MTV2. The attention has of course caused some tension in the world of Bayside fans (and the haters alike). Anthony, the band's lead singer, decided to address criticism and posted a blog on the band's MySpace.

My take on the whole thing: Bayside won't change who they are for MTV, but they will gladly take the exposure. I personally, hate MTV, but without it honestly wouldn't have heard of some of my all-time favorite musicians/bands.

In other MTV news, All Time Low will be on TRL tomorrow via an interview they did yesterday. Yay, for them, but also boo, simply because I hate 15-year-old who want to have sex with half the band. (That's another post altogether.)

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