Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So one of my absolute best friends from high school informed me today of this rather amazing website called Ruckus. I had never heard of it before, but it's a site that allows college students to legally download, high quality music. There is a list of participating schools who have a partnership with the site, but even if your school isn't listed you can still join, as long as you have a valid student e-mail address (one ending in .edu)

The aforementioned best friend said the site is ridiculously convenient when there's a release you're not sure about, you can listen to it for free, instead of spending valuable cash on something you'll listen to once.

If anyone else has used this or is planning to check it out, please comment and let me know your thoughts.

Edit: The only thing I've come across that sucks about this is that it's not compatible with iTunes and the songs can't be burned because of the licensing agreement Ruckus has with the record companies. Oh well, it's still cool to use to check out music you're unsure about buying.

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