Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why am I not surprised?

There was a report in the Guardian that said 95% of people ages 18-24 copy music in one form or another. The surprising part: it's not all from file-sharing programs. People still directly copying CD's (like me sometimes) and there are people who still copy from the radio! That last part made my eyes bug out, I'm not even kidding you. The radio, really? C'mon I haven't done that since I was in I think 6th or 7th grade.

Anyway, the point is, is anyone really surprised by this information? We were coming of age when the Napster thing happened. Hell, most of us used Napster. I think reports like this are such a waste of money. It's like having a report telling us water is good for you or prolonged exposure to the sun may cause skin cancer. Can we spend this type on money on reports that may actually help the world? K, thanks.

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