Thursday, April 3, 2008

This is the first song for your mix tape

The mix tape. A simple enough concept, a bunch of semi-related songs on a disc. But under the surface, a good mix has to have a few elements that make it good. Apparently, there are websites devoted on how-to make a good mix. Personally, I'm a trial and error kind of girl. I've made enough mixes for myself that have been truly terrible, but once in a while, a good one comes along. On the few occasions I've been given mixes, my favorites have been the ones which had specific themes and songs that I actually liked.

The mix tape is such a part of the "scene" that has a thread on its forum dedicated to it. Below, you'll find other helpful links for making the perfect mix for yourself, potential significant other, or the girl down the street you've decided to start stalking. (kidding on that last one...kinda)

: How to Make a Perfect Mix Tape or CD

The Art of the Mix: the website dedicated to making mixed tapes and cds

How to Make the Perfect Mix Tape: the fine folks at Esquire pose this scenerio: You've got 1,000 songs and no idea how to put them together. This will help you.

Tiny Mix Tapes
: a site with news and other goodies, including a "mix tape generator"

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