Monday, March 31, 2008

Emo vs. Scene Kids Round 1

Mexico has the general population rioting against emo kids. Now, Australia has emo kids going against "scene kids". (I wish I made this crap up, but I don't, I just report on it).

Ok, so let's take a look at this from a logical stand point. In all reality all of this is just a bunch of teenagers hating on each other. Really, it happens all over the world, everyday. The only difference is now they all feel they're fashionable and original and have a catchy (or melodramatic) soundtrack.

There are even wiki pages on how to be scene and emo, so now you can be clear on what exactly it takes to be considered one or the other. Sidenote: I feel like this is a 21st-Century update of West Side Story, minus the whole interracial love aspect.

Just so you know what to look out for:

here's a "typical" emo boy

and "scene" girls


Anonymous said... shows emos just like the ones in your picture.

Anonymous said...

why are they having emo's hate on scene's?