Sunday, March 9, 2008

Listen up and fall in love

A couple posts ago, I wrote about the AP Tour which features The Rocket Summer, All Time Low and three other up-and-coming bands. These fine bands are only a handful featured on Alt Press's annual "100 Bands You Need to Know in [insert year here]". I feel obligated to share a few other bands that made this year's list. So read on, download lots and find a new favorite band.

First up we have The Audition from the Windy City. I saw them a couple years ago with Mae at Mr. Small's and fell in love. They're live show is amazing and these boys are gonna blow up thanks to their latest release, Champion. You heard it hear first.

Next up, we have The Maine. These talented youngsters (all members are 18 or 19!), take their fashion and musical cues from Cute Is What We Aim For and All Time Low. But don't think they're just carbon copies of Cute and ATL, nope, these boys are indeed the real deal; their debut effort The Way We Talk, is proof.

Last on the list are two singer-songwriters, who sound absolutely nothing like anything else in this post. First up, is a feisty little Brit named Kate Nash. Her lyrics are part Lily Allen, part Alanis Morissette, part Regina Spektor, but the girl is all fun.

Finally, to end this ridiculously long post, is Sea Wolf, aka Alex Brown Church. AP compares him to Elliot Smith and I'm inclined to agree. Sea Wolf's vocal style is extremely similar to Smith's and his bare bones approach to accompanying music is in line with Smith as well as Bright Eyes.

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